Not Another Maryland Renaissance Festival Site

Stupid Web Tricks (wide angle shots)

Ren Faire Links


Under So Much Construction That You Shouldn't Even Be Here Yet (did you sign a waiver or something?)



Note: this version of the site will be maintained infrequently (if at all) For the latest, updated version, go to

2 Oct: Singles Weekend Pub Sing page added

25 Sep: Scottish Weekend Pub Sing page added

23 Sep: Deaf Awareness and Pirate Invasion Pub Sing pages added, plus a 270 degree pan view from outside the White Hart

12 Sep: Music page (only the links to a Rogues page and a very interesting Pyrates Royale page so far), several panoramic shots added to Stupid Web Tricks

Count your blessings: I almost called this the "What The World Needs Now Is Another Maryland Renaissance Festival Page". 

Yes, everybody and his or her dog has a page or site about the Maryland Renaissance Festival. And approximately 99% of those pages are random pictures (Here's me and my girlfriend standing just inside of the main gate) , with the other 1% being either reviews of the faire (among others) or attempts to document some aspect of the faire, most under various stages of construction (the Maryland Renfest Withdrawl Symptom site being one of the best of these). Meanwhile, I am suprised by the number of people who live in the DC area who ask me "So you go to that Renaissance Festival? What's it like? I've never been." Though I can point them to the official website, it seem primarily aimed at supplying where, what and when information to people who've already decided they're going (rather than explaining what a Renaissance Festival is and what's special about the one in Maryland). Since I couldn't find the kind of site I was looking for, I decided to make my own.

In the event that there are already a dozen sites out there that already do this, feel free to bring this to my attention (hell, for all I know this page may end up turning into a link to somebody else's comprehensive site in a month or so).

This site is supposed to document what one will see at the Faire, in terms of performances and various spectacles (no sound yet, and don't hold your breath waiting for the scratch and sniff turkey leg icon). It's also a way of keeping track of who comes and goes from year to year (I only wish I had started something like this during the days of Broon, Daniel, Duke of Danger and the more soil-intensive Mud Show). Also, while I'm getting the bulk of the site up and running, I'll be putting up pictures of various things (e.g., wenchings, birthdays, Queen Anne rapping, King Henry drinking out of bodice chillers) upon request, simply as a means of sharing them without having to cart CDs around at faire. These probably won't be up for very long, and if they make no sense to anybody but the people involved ..... I wouldn't be a bit surprised. If nothing else, they may serve to show how much is going on at faire that most people rarely notice.

One thing I don't plan to do is make an exhaustive list of the merchants; there's a rather comprehensive list already on the official site (though I will eventually put up links to their sites).

You know, I was about to add that I probably won't be putting up pictures of such mundane things as food items, but the more I think about it, that might be the only way I'll ever be able to describe macaroni and cheese on a stick to someone.

The test page containing a 360 degree panorama of "just inside the main gate" won't work till I move to a new server that will accept that MIME type (hopefully coming soon)
