Wide angle views of the MDRF

Stupid Web Tricks (wide angle shots)

Ren Faire Links


Some VERY wide angle shots of the faire (created with bargain basement software and rudimentary skill)
Please excuse the blurry ghosts running around the pictures - no matter how loudly I
yelled, I couldn't get everybody to stand in the same positions as I spun the camera around
Outside the main gate before opening
A 360 degree view from the front of the faire, near the Queen's Path
Looking towards the turkey leg booth, on Kenwood Lane
Still on Kenwood Lane, looking back towards the White Hart
360 degree view from the Market Stage
(You'll note that the mime on stilts appears in multiple places. It's
the same mime - I just waited for her to walk a bit further before taking
the next picture. After all, a mime is a terrible thing to waste)
Nipplewyck, erm, NymbleWyck and Manny getting it on at the White Hart
270 degree view (or so), looking out from just outside the White Hart,
towards the great 16th century food court